Imdb boards shutting down
Where will the virgins go?
shareThey haven't been here anyway lately. Most of the old guys are either no longer virgins, or no longer here at all. The few remaining (SoFardown? The autist guy?) don't post much.
Where are you guys active these days, anyway? An anonymous forum like this, or something more private?
Now you don't need a sock account
shareHow've you been, taco? I last posted here in October last year, not long after we lost one of the old regulars. Other than that, this place has been dead for a long time.
When I saw the boards were shutting down I knew I had to come back here to see if I could say good-bye to everyone one last time.
Lot of memories of this place. Anyway, hope you've been well.
Deaths in near family, lay-offs, promotions, new car, new house - and I'm going to be a dad in a few weeks. Also had a girl die in my hands after she fell down a building. Time has not been standing still in 2016. Probably been the most eventful year in my entire life.
Anyway, I hope you guys are still going strong. Wrote anymore books?
Wow, that sounds like a lot to go through. Congratulations on becoming a father! I think you'll make a great one.
Since we last talked I think I've self-published two more, finished another, and I'm hard at work on a new one. Thanks for asking. I still have to thank you from the bottom of my heart for buying one of my books. Even though you're just an anonymous guy on the internet who likes to give the board a hard time, it really meant a lot to me.
I can't tell you how anyone else is, but I hope everyone is happy and healthy.
I'm turning in now, but I'll be back to see if I can't get some more of the old users here for one last round table before it all goes dark.
I can't believe they're shutting the boards down. I haven't posted in forever, but I still lurked. This was the only board I ever really posted on. Though I always read through boards for movies or tv shows I was watching. There were quite a lot of good times here. I'm sad there won't be more.
Has anyone kept in touch with the other old regulars? Cherry, hardliner, browser, jaco, bubbles...I know I'm forgetting people, sorry. It's been so long I'm drawing a blank on names. I may have an email for h_mason, cherry and hardliner, though I haven't spoken to them in years.
Well, I hope everyone has been well. Maybe we'll all have to migrate over to reddit or something.
I used to be a regular here at one point but I had stopped coming here. In fact, this is the first time in so long that I have posted on here. I actually came here to see where this board has gone since the boards are shutting down.
All I need is one mic...
Hi, LD. I'm glad you checked back in, but it's sad to know it's all over. In a way, it's hard for me to believe. I thought these boards would be around forever.
I used to know Cherry's youtube page. I messaged her to check in a while after she left but I have no idea if she even saw it. I hope she's doing all right.
I was hoping we could get some oldies back just once but that might not work out. There's a user named Freebird that posts on Politics. I think it's the same guy that used to post here.
I've been looking for Mandibles for a while, but I think he disappeared from the site. Hope that guy's okay.
In any case, it's just good to see some old posters again. Though we talked a lot of depressing stuff and not everyone got along, I deeply enjoyed the time here with all of you.
Best wishes to everyone. I hope you guys take care of yourselves and are all happy and healthy.
Hey SFD. I know what you mean. I think that's one of the reasons I didn't keep in touch with anyone better. I always assumed the board would be here and we could all check in.
Yeah, Cherry and I kept in touch on Facebook for a while after she left. We sorta drifted apart not too long after that. I hardly ever use Facebook anymore. I just checked and she's no longer on my friends list. So not sure if I can get back in touch with her.
It is sad that the board is shutting down. Even though most of us haven't posted in ages, I've missed this place. I'm usually too shy to get involved online. And this place was quite hostile when I first started posting here, not sure how I got the courage to post haha. But I haven't found a place quite like it since.
I've come across this place earlier tonight. Not sure how good it is. But might be helpful for anyone who lurks/posts about tv shows. And there's always reddit I suppose. I've lurked there on a few various boards (mostly the Serial podcast board lol) not sure how great it is for tv or movies.
Hopefully we can get in touch with a few of the others. Maybe we can trade social media accounts or something to keep in touch.
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother, LD. I remember when you said she was sick. I hope things look up for you soon.
Yes, there's just no other place like this, with pages and boards dedicated to pretty much everything in the industry, and some stuff that isn't.
If anyone's interested, these are a few alternative boards I've seen promoted by other posters. - this is being touted at the IMDB v2
Maybe I'll see some of you guys online sometime in the future. But if not, best wishes to everyone. I'll never forget the short time I spent conversing with everyone here. It helped me when I was in some pretty depressed states.
Whats up LD? Hope all is well.
How to accomplish world peace: Eliminate social media
Hey! Thanks. Things have been kinda shìt lately, if I'm being honest. My grandma passed before Christmas. And my dad's mill closed down to move to Florida. So things have been tough around here with my family. But I'm hanging in there. How have you been? Good I hope
Damn, this really sucks. Had a lot of good talks on these boards. A lot of silly and meaningless ones as well, but still...
shareMy old stomping grounds. I just had to come back before the boards were gone. Haven't posted in here in years. It was fun back then.
shareThis is dragonfeces. My email is [email protected] if anyone still wants to bullshyt. Still a virgin and kinda lost interest all together. I just been sticking to my acid trips.
shareBeen wondering where you been, man. Thought I had you pegged on the politics board since there are some many shît themed threads some dude posts constantly.
How to accomplish world peace: Eliminate social media
It was cool to see you pop in there every now and then, mig. Reminded me of the old times. This was the board that really pulled me into IMDB.
shareI wonder how old Browser_ is feeling about all of this....
Its been a while since I've been on here. Its a shame to shut down the boards. I havent been up to much, mainly working. No luck on finding a girl. In case I dont post between now and the 20th, I wish everyone well and happiness in their lives. It was good to talk to everyone.