MovieChat Forums > Long Way Round (2004) Discussion > Claudio's replacement bike?

Claudio's replacement bike?

I'm curious to know what bike, what capacity and for how long of the journey did Claudio have to ride this machine after his BMW packed up? It was obviously a much smaller two stroke and he still had loads of weight to carry. How long did it last on the journey? For as long as the BMWs of Charley and Ewan through all the really rough stuff?


I believe he rode it through Mongolia and then got a new bike on the next part of the journey!!


He rode it until Mongolia then picked up his old BMW, which had been flown there and repaired for them. The series didn't accurately portray how bad Claudio's new bike was. It broke down multiple times every day according to the book and was just a piece of junk.


Hi you two
thanks for the info. Because of health I'm unable to read the book so I'm grateful to find out what happened. I know the series was about Ewan and Charley but I thought Claudio's photography was great and after seeing what happened to his bike and the replacement that was bought for him (that was so obviously an underpowered piece of junk) I was curious to know how he got on for the rest of the journey.


I believe they said that his BMW was being shipped to Ulan Bator to be fixed. They didn't show him picking it up there, but he had it the next time he and his bike were seen after they left.


That's what I gathered as well once I thought about it. Sigh, I'd love to go on a bike journey...

Say anyone know where they might have shot in Calgary??

- JR


the bike wasnt that bad. it did break down a few times but he also got through alot of stuff that ewan and charlie were constantly getting stuck in because his bike was lighter.


In the book there are pictures of Ewan and I think also Charley and If you look in the background you can see that they were somehwere in the SW or SE because you can see the saddledome in the background.


After Claudio crashes his BMW off the bank he rides for only a few days on the Red bike as he feels he's broken his ribs so he goes in the support team car for the majoriy of the time to Ulaan Batar.
