did anyone else see how ridiculously top heavy they made their cars? I thought it was absolutely stupid to expect the car (which they saw would be buffeted from side to side like a ragdoll) to stay up right while crossing the river with all that heavy camera exquipment on the top of the car! I thought that they would put all that stuff in the big truck on the first crossing then drive across. and they were all shocked when the stupid box fell off! I saw it coming.
on the big lorry... just a thought. they certainly couldnt have thought it would be more efficient and safe to put all of it on the top of the car. if you look at them, the cars are already pretty topheavy but this was ridiculous. they all saw how that HUGE lorry struggled and flopped around and they should have seen it coming. I swear to god that while watching that scene, I forgot to breathe. it just seemed a little strange to me. CaSsAnDrA
Yeah I get your point and to be fair I think they thought the same thing whilst watching it all unfold before them. Nobody is perfect I suppose, they might have been tired and couldn't be arsed to unload everything and then load it all back up again time after time. Maybe they thought they were asking enough of the truck driver as it was. Later, on the really big river crossing they actually loaded the 4x4 onto the truck in its entirety.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't there and I haven't traveled around the world but I have traveled, on foot, by car and by bike for quite long distances and if you travel far enough for long enough it saps your strength and resolve to a point where you do the bare minimum required to get you through. Its not being lazy or lax but your mind isn't working properly sometimes, you're just too tired to think of everything, let alone actually do it.
I really didnt consider the fact that they were too tired. I just dont know how far that actually goes and if they were that exhausted that they would put so many people's lives in danger then they should have waited till the river rose a little higher. dont get me wrong, they made it through and it was a narrow escape from a watery death but there's tired, then there's TIRED. If it was going to sacrifice someone's safety for a few extra days... it just doesnt seem worth it. and why didnt they make the guy get out, its not like he had steering anyway.
as for the lorry driver, I agree. maybe they felt it would be more imposing on the driver than they wanted it to be and they WERE asking a lot of him but I'm sure the man would have been just as enthusiastic about doing that as he was about helping them out in the first place. and I dont think any of them wanted anyone do die or for any really really shiny and expensive equipment to be lost. CaSsAnDrA