
I want to see this but can't find it anywhere here in the U.S. Anyways, what happens when they go to Mongolia?


A fair bit actually.

-Claudio's bike becomes damaged so he has to get a cheaper replacement.
-The guys really struggle with the terrain and keep getting bogged down. (I hope I'm thinking of the right area)
-They take part in some Mongolian culture. Charley tries his hand at Mongolian wrestling.
-Russ their producer has a car accident.
-The guys almost give up hope by contemplating cutting back up into Russia where there are paved roads as the terrain is very tough.
-They ended up going the wrong way at one point and had to turn around and take a longer route, which further diminished their spirits.
-The guys meet a lot of friendly locals and try some testicle stew. Ewan and David manage to stomach their balls, but Russ and Charley can't handle it after their 'animal testicles' pop in their mouths.

My skydiving blog


It is available in the U.S. I have been checking it out from Netflix, so it is probably available to buy online at any the of the major retailers.
