Ewan singing in Long Way Round
Alright Ladies and Gents, I have made for you (and me) mp3s of two of the songs Ewan sings from my dvd copy of Long Way Round. They are here: http://www.upload2.net/download2/aRVGccZXUv8Mthj/running+to+stand+still.mp3.html and http://www.upload2.net/download2/1y4e1urLnhhFG0i/flower+of+scotland.mp3.html
Anyone who is more techno savvy than I can try to get the spoken words off the top of Flower of Scotland, and just get the song, but I was impressed enough with myself for getting this far than to try myself. I'm still trying to get Cheek to Cheek made but I cant for the life of me remember where in the series he sings it. Can anyone help (it would narrow my search down considerably).
The only reason I get up in the morning is to see if my luck's changed. And it never bloody has. -Ewan