Big Disappointment

I just viewed the last episode of "Long Way Round" on OLN Network and the one thing I had been looking forward to most of all was their trip through Canada. Boy what a HUGE disappointment!!!!! They showed like maybe 5 minutes worth in total and all they focused on was the accidents they got into (which was very unfortunate) but the fact that they focused on EVERY other country they were in EXCEPT my country. Well, it pretty much almost ruined the whole thing for me. And from what I understand, there is no additional footage in Canada on the DVDs. I just had to say I am upset & disappointed and felt the need to vent my frustration


I just watched the whole series on a marathon...once I started, just couldn't stop! But yes, I can't say I was "disappointed" with any of the show, but it would have been nice to have seen more of Canada, and other parts of the US as well. I'm an American, originally from the South, but have been living on the West Coast for the past 7 years or so. I can safely say that the West Coast, including British Columbia, is some of the most magnificent terrain you'll ever see. I suppose Montana and South Dakota has some nice stuff too, but I feel like if you're going to travel around the entire world, you should at least take a swoop down and see what it's like to drive through a redwood forest.


I had built up high expectations so that is probably why I am more disappointed. I live in Alberta so when I heard they were coming through our province, I was so excited to see what they thought so it just was very anti-climax for me. The West Coast is one of the most beautiful terrains, I totally agree.


I live in Alberta as well, and I completely understood. I wasn't disappointed whatsoever. It would have been boring as *beep* if they put anywhere near as much effort into the Canadian segment than any of the rest. I live here...I don't want to see that when I could see Mongolia or NYC or whatever else.


I believe that you watched the regular editon of the show, which is only seven episodes. If so the extended edition, which is ten episodes, shows a lot more of Canada and the United States. I have seen both editions and the special editon is better because it shows more of where we're both from.


Good to know. Someone had told me there was no extra footage on Canada. Thanks for the info.


Well, crap! The version I just rented only had 7 episodes. What region is Canada for DVD? I'm so tired of getting the Region 1 short stick in the US.

It's not easy having a good time.
Even smiling makes my face ache.


well worth watching the 10 episode edition - much more footage on Canada and USA!


You people LIVE here yet you're complaining about not seeing it on film? Go outside! You should be more interested in seeing other places than your backyard.


I've got to think that that was a reason behind the editing - spending the time on areas that were largely untouristed and for most viewers, a look at an experience outside the comfort zone. I'm an American and have travelled many times to western Canada - while I agree that it's beautiful, I was much more interested in learning about the Road of Bones and seeing Mongolia - places I'm not likely to see, ever, in my lifetime. I don't really want to see documentaries about people who live a westernized life I do, with the conveniences of paved roads and microwave-able food - that'd get boring really fast.


Hello all,

Can anyone tell me if the Extended DVD everyone keeps talking about (apparently with 10 episodes) is available in the US? I just rented the 2 DVD set but it was only 7 episodes and a little bit of extra footage and I'd love to see more.

I don't care what area they show on the extended footage, I just want to see more! I caught it as a marathon on RealityTV (or some such channel) a couple weeks ago then I rented it and I swear I've watched it at least 5 times since then - I love it!

I'm also thinking of getting the book and the CD too

"So there I was without any trousers, looking the right f*ing idiot...." - Charley


I think you can order it off of Amazon, have you checked anywhere else besides renting it from a video store?

I may have to pick up the book as well.


It is...sorta. The version is the short version. Order from (Canada) and you get the 10 ep/3 disc version. I just got mine about a week and half ago and came to @ $27 US (@ $31CDN)...well worth the money. =D

This is the one you want:

I recommend the book as well, it's fascinating and in Ewan and Charley's own words.

I do not call myself subject to much at all.


I think you are absolutely correct. I too am more interested in learning about places I will never see. It was the best documentary I've seen since I don't remember when. I would absolutely recommend it to everyone. I also bought both books the regular and the illustrated version and they are keepsakes. The 10 episode version in only available in PAL, but your dvd may still play it in Region 1. Its the best!!


So? The point is the go through places like mongolia and siberia that we're not likley to see or know much about, the places that are more risky and more interesting than a stretch of motorway with some nice hills in the background. They cut through he whole of western europe in about 5 - 10 minutes, and you should be glad they didn't waste more time than needed on western civilization.


I have really been noticing lately that a lot of movies and shows have been either bashing canada or using it for an example, when talking about something not so good. Like, in "Lost" every bad guy or "the others" all say they are from canada and in mr. and mrs. smith they say "remeber canada?" when talking about how bad the situation's just weird how Canada seems to get completely left out or bitched about in the media. I was really pissed when they didn't even say - "we are in canada" - they just passed through and it seems that every country they at least said, it's beautiful here, or gave some sort of promo for it. Normally im not very patriotic because my whole family is from england, but this pattern is getting kind of annoying.


Ewan has said in interviews that Canada is one of the nicest countries he's seen. So don't feel too bad about Long Way Round and Ewan's promotion of Canada. Can't say much about other shows like Lost. I'm Canadian too by the way.


For what it's worth, myself and every other American I know who has visited Canada is always very positive about the experience. I've only seen Ontario via the 401, but it was a quite nice place to visit.


I went through the whole dilemma of not being able to get the 3-Disc DVD set because it wasn't sold in the US and Canada. I mean the DVDs weren't sold in the right format for our DVD players. So I ended up just buying off the UK Amazon site under the PAL and Region 2 format. My player in the US happened to, and thankfully, played the DVD without compatibility issues.
Well, now I am hearing that the Canadian site for Amazon ( is releasing the 3-Disc Long Way Round set of DVDs in the Region 1 format, which is good for us in the US and Canada! FINALLY
Hope this helps any of you!

Oh, and yes, the 3-Disc set features much more footage of them in Northern America.

"Well, I'll come back with you if you like, but like, I'm not promising anything, you know." - Ewan McGregor, Trainspotting


I don't know what I was expecting but the ending was a let down, there was too much footage of the beginning of the journey but once they got into America it was rushed. I have not watched the DVD yet, I saw it on tv, so I don't know how much there is in the special features. This show did get boring at times because of the way it was edited but I think that was its only flaw.


ok man america is a pretty cool country but its seen so often now its a familiar setting to most people (not saying its bad as it is a very cool country most of the time ;)) but it is very very rare that you find shows on 'prime time' about places like mongolia and siberia which Long Way Round explores deeply. but its a great show 99/100 so i really dont care i like it how it is!! :D


I actually found the American and Canadian episodes quite boring compared to the rest of the series. Sure, there's some nice scenery, but thats about it. There were no trials and tribulations.

Most of the compliants have been from Americans, not meaning to start an argument here, but basically, as with all things, unless you guys are the center of attention, your not interested. For me, seeing these two guys ride through Mongolia and seeing them breakdown because of the stress and pressure , to see the Road of Bones, the trek through Siberia, and the amazingly different cultures, that far more interesting than seeing two bikes on perfect roads. Anyone can drive across America, how many can drive through Mongolia and Siberia?



Stereotype much?


I was kind of excited when I heard they went through Montana, since I live here. It didn't show it very long, but I was okay with it. All of the episodes were great, very interesting. I watched them all in one sitting. So I wasn't hugely disappointed, it didn't really matter to me.


I thought it was fine that they didn't have much of Canada. They were in Russia, etc. for a much longer time anyway. I'm from Calgary, and I thought it was funny that they refered to the Calgary Stampede as the 'Funfair', but the fact that both men were hit by cars in Calgary was hilarious. Drivers are really like that here, all crap!

Finally a member of FLOMUK!


I live in the u.k and i think that Long way round is the best dvd i have ever baught.The road of Bones is truly amazing and im inspired!!!!So no disapointnment for me exept i would have liked it to be longer!


No disapointment for me. They spent more time on places that most of us would NEVER, EVER. get to go to. There really were no hardships in Canada and America, and usually hardships are what make for an interesting journey. I also think it took much longer to get through Siberia and Mongolia then they thought, so that may have cut short their stopping at more places in Canada and America. Loved sharing their journey and very happy that they fllmed it for everyone else to enjoy.


I totally agree with you scot3121. There was not much hardship and they almost felt like they were at home when they arrived in Alaska. I am from Sweden and would love to go to Canada, but I also understand that the "important" part of the "trip" was to go through Mongolia, Siberia etc. The countries that are totally different and really was the true adventure.


The hardships being the most interesting parts are why I was hoping they'd spend more time in Alaska. I agree that the time spent in the rest of the US wasn't really in keeping with the spirit of the journey, but Alaska certainly fit in. They've both mentioned wanting to come back though, so perhaps we'll see more in Long Way Up.

"You and I are pro-insanity" -John Wozniak


To be honest the US/Canada bits were a bit boring in the context of the show as a whole. I'm not suggesting either countries are in fact boring but perhaps the crew decided that once they'd returned to "normal" civilisation there wasn't much of a challenge going on.

I think there was one scene when they were in Canada where Charley and Ewan were commenting on the fact they could use their mobile phones again, that there was miles and miles of tarmac, that there was a motel or diner, or petrol station every few hundred miles etc etc. And in any case the US/Canada (and Europe where I am) gets enough air time, and everyone knows what's on offer.

But I think the real reason for this series was those countries we knew less about, where the day-to-day conveniences that we take for granted are suddenly taken away. Thus the really interesting bits in the show involved central and eastern Europe and Russia - absolutely fascinating and totally entertaining
