10 fav moments from Long Way Round
10 in no order, behold!
- Mongolia & the binoculars
From the book, the story of Ewan exchanging his (not needed) binoculars to the Nomad for his assistance. In the middle of nowhere on Earth.
- Crossing into the Ukraine
Siht gets real. Fascinating to read & behold on youtube. Like time travel.
- Road of Bones
Unbelieveable... they'll never conquer a more f'd up leg of travel.
- Magadan
Ultimate road destination on Earth if there ever was one. No one ever drives there, from UK no less. Powerful history at the end of the Road.
- The house of guns lol
I loved the reaction in the book when Ewan tells him they're riding all way to Magadan- in that instant, the psycho mafia guy throws them massive respect.
- Chernobyl UNICEF
Possibly the most precious UNICEF cause in the developed world, being forgotten.
- End of tarmac in Asia
When the fun begins!
- 'Get me the *beep* out of London!'
- Ewan's dad in New York
Still my fav surprise from either LWR/LWD
- Ewan in love with camping
I love reading when Ewan talks them into camping rather than finding a room... there's alaways a better tale to tell!