Perfect Creature played on the 22nd AFFF (24th April 2006)
The 22nd Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival had a suprise showing of this movie on 25 april. Originally Wolf Creek was programmed, but due to a rights issue it could not be shown, so we got Perfect Creature instead.
The kicker here is that this version is finished, but will NOT be the version that will be released theatrically later this year. For some reason the US wants to recut (parts of) the movie. What we got was the version the Dutch distributor had. It will probably never be shown again. (Alas)
Perfect Creature is a strange critter to classify. While it has vampires in it, it is not really a horror movie. It appears to play in a large city that could be anywhere on the world, it is set in a fictional one. Think 'London' of the early 1900s, but with a technology level that makes genetic research possible.
I won't spoilt the actual content of the movie - but I really enjoyed watching it. Visually it is pretty stunning, and the atmosphere that it creates for itself is one of gloom and doom. It is not a happy world and life isn't fun - the role the vampires have taken in human society is a very ironic one, and very non-canon in movies involving vampires.
If you get the chance to see this, go watch it. It has vampires, police, suspense and very pretty visuals.