How you made the assumption that money makes a person a product is beyond me. Nor that anyone who disagree is a liberal. It seems to me that many conservates may have a problem with it, especially if some believe in life at conception or pro life so it stand to reason that they would likely be the first to disagree. Then again any conservative or liberal with a conscious may disagree too. First, because clones are thinking and feeling people. People can say they werent or even bring the law into it. Still it doesnt change the fact that a clone of a human being is in fact a human being no matter how theyre born. Secondly, human trafficking and harvesting parts or people are an egrecious crimes, especially without the consent. If people are going to use logic on then slavery. Harvesting parts and human trafficking would be legal. It would make us no better than the slave traders and human traffickers who think a paid person or part that was kidnapped/ talken or sold is a product. Its not when it cones to people because they arent inanimate objects, they are people.