FINALLY -- Disney is fixing the one flaw in this movie
As you've undoubtedly seen in the trailer for the forthcoming Rapunzel TV series, RAPUNZEL GETS HER LONG, BLONDE HAIR BACK.
The one wrong move that the original film (which otherwise is a masterpiece) made was cutting her beautiful hair. Her long, blonde tresses were the very best thing about Rapunzel. To diminish such a gorgeous, feminine character by giving her a short, androgynous cut was a tragedy. Aesthetic vandalism.
All girls look better with long hair, and blonde girls are invariably more attractive than brunettes -- a fact that Rapunzel's appearance, before-and-after her shearing, proves conclusively.
But now, I can finally watch this movie again without turning it off before the ending, because I can rest comfortable in the knowledge that her unsightly boycut is only a temporary blemish, and her true, golden, feminine tresses have been permanently restored.