Faster draw *Spoilers*

I can't believe Harlan beat Wade to the shot even though Wade already had his gun drawn, cocked, and aimed. Also consider that Wade is currently a police officer, miliarty background, and an avid gun collector. He had the advantage.

If I was Wade I would of shot Harlan on first sight. In the face. I mean he did shoot your daughter, lied to and kidnapped your son, and shot at you.


Hmmm, good point.

Maybe Wade was being cautious, because he could not see where his son was. Wade clearly saw how attached his son was to Harlan. He might have thought his son would have jumped in front of Harlan to protect him, or endangered himself in another way.

Or it could have been a flaw in the writing.


Another explanation could be the fact that Wade is a police officer and was going to try to arrest him. I have no idea.

Or maybe Harlan is just really fast....


reaction time. Wade had to wait for Harlan to draw before he could justifiably shoot (it would be a tough to sell self-defense if you shot a man with holstered guns). in the amount of time it took wade to recognize the threat and pull the trigger harlan had already drawn, cocked, and was firing.
