I think your missing a major point of the movie. As deluded as he was, Harlin developed an extremely close relationship with both of them. Something that was missing from their relationship with their father it seemed. In the scene where Lonnie was watching his father clean his gun, you got the feeling that Lonnie felt he was meek in his father's eyes, and there seemed to be a distance between them, whereas Harlin showed a genuine interest in how he was feeling and what he wanted to do from the moment he met him. He supported him, and encouraged him to be his own man. They both expressed confusion as to why Harlin had done the things he had done, but I think that we were meant to believe, as I feel they did, that Harlin did care deeply for both of them. That being said, I didn't have much sympathy for the guy myself after he shot Tob, but he was insane.