was Wade abusive?

I have read a few posts on this board saying that Wade was a terrible man, because he was absive? Do people really think that Wade was absive to Lonnie and Tobe? I know he got kinda physical with Tobe during their arguements but he never turns on her or anything!

and someone also mentioned that he was supposed to be in love with Tobe? What did everyone else read into Wads relationship with Tobe?

Well folks, it looks like we're up chocolate creek without a Popsicle stick!!


i dont think he was really abusive as much as he was protective
he saw right through harlan and didnt want his daughter around him
he did get violent sometime and he had a temper though

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I agree mostly with your comment. He had a temper, but we don't know almost anything about him and we don't know what he had to go through in his life.

However, there is one thing that I found really disturbing - his fascinations with weapons. I could hardly feel any sympathy or understanding for a person who has a single weapon at home, let alone a whole collection. He was lucky that his supply of killing machines didn't cause even bigger tragedy. (During the biggest part of the movie believed that Lonnie would kill Wade at the end.)


of course he was.

you just don't cross that line sometimes, no matter how angry or protective you feel.

i hoped people wouldn't think too far into it and realize that he was.

its simple, really.

if he physically harmed her, he abused her.


I think he was abusive. That's why both of his kids were scared of him.

This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this. I am not your Queen. - Queen Gorgo~300



Yes, but in a fairly common way. The family was a bit "Jeremy Kyle". I thought this was a good film because there wasn't a clear good guy and a bad guy, which is realistic.


If you want to take the politically correct road then yes Wade was abusive. However, I feel he was struggling as much as his kids. He didn't lose it and beat on them but he did lose his temper and lash out, quickly regretting it. He knew he was making bad situations worse but he was unable to control his temper. Whether or not he was abusive is really shown when Harlan expects Tobe to leave with him. She suddenly realises the situation is real and that she wants to stay home with her father.

Wade was not the best or most understanding Dad but I think the character is well payed and pretty realistic (especially as we do not get any family background - was he their real father or stepfather?, where is the mother? dead? what happened to him in the military? if he works in a prison now what strain does that put on him?). Wade although misguided in his methods is trying to do the right thing - to keep Lonny away from guns despite his own obsession; to stop Tobe getting into trouble and staying out all night.

I felt Wade came across as a decent, if slightly distant, Dad who tried his best.





I did feel like they wanted to kind of make that an issue, but I don't think they did it very well. Maybe it's because of how Morse played it, or how it was written, but to me the kids just came off like troublesome, whiny emo brats, and he came off as the father struggling to hold his family together. The bit at her window was the one major sign of him being a little weird himself, but other than that....


