MovieChat Forums > Down in the Valley (2005) Discussion > Norton the worst actor, Harlan the dumbe...

Norton the worst actor, Harlan the dumbest role of all time

Norton has never been considered in the top of his acting class, let alone at the top of the acting ranks. He's a scrawny, uninteresting actor who should do theater audiences a favor and retire.

If Harlan would have been played by someone with any acting chops, he still would have been a dime a dozen compared to all of the other characters for whom he was patterned after.

To summarize, my cat could have portrayed Harlan better than Norton did, and my cat's a female and not a member of SAG!

Is your point so weak that you must have the last word?


It is impossible for your cat to do Harlan's role.

1.) The cat cannot talk therefore ya got a mute Harlan.
2.) Cats do not have sex with 17-year-old girls nor any other human.
3.) Cats cannot shoot guns.
4.) Cats are hairy all around and it would have cost extra to bathe him after every scene.
5.) Cats would easily get distracted while trying to film. If they see something move they will try to attack it or simply stare it down.

Oh and another thing. Cats cannot ride horses. It just looks silly anyway.


Yeah, you told him whatfor!

And as we learned on The Simpsons, horses don't look like horses on camera, so they have to use cows. And to make a cow for movies, they just tape a bunch of cats together.

That's the only way your cat could have been in the movie. Buddy.

"Theres no way I'm gonna let you rob this nations children of even ONE glass of wholesome nutritious milk!"


Hilarious. Lovin' the horse ridin' cat!


i actually just couldn't stop laughing hahaha


2. Cats do not hve sex with 17-year-old girls nor any other human

Oh.. I have a feeling the OP's cat does.

I don't know, Butchie, instead.


I'm not even sure why but...

4.) Cats are hairy all around and it would have cost extra to bathe him after every scene.

is my favourite part of Holden's post, and it's a good post.


lol scrawny...somebody forgot to watch American History X


lol, bad actor...and yep someone forgot to watch American History X, Fight Club, Primal Fear, and 25th Hour

"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."


i think some1 forgot to watch all of his films! this OP is bleepin crazy! this is my top 3 favorite films of Nortons!


Funny, you only mentioned my FIGERATIVE comparison of my cat, which means you agree with every other word I've said. LMAO!

I've seen most of his films and there's nothing to convince me that he has any talent. With the exception of Fight Club, none of his movies have fared well at the box office (pretty much the main thing which judges an actor's worth accordint to Hollywood); and it's obvious that people only watched Fight Club because Brad Pitt was in it.

Nice try kids, but didn't work.

Is your point so weak that you must have the last word?


At least mr. Norton doesn't live in the mountains or the depths of the earth to prey on innocent people (with their unsubstantiated remarks), like TROLLS do..


No one really cares about your opinion actually. No one has tried to convince you he's a good actor but we've stated that he is because....he is, and according to this Hollywood you speak of, many people know it. Hence, his Oscar nomination and many critical appraisals. Just by judging an actor by the amount of money his films make you show your ignorance. Therefore, we really don't care if you like his acting because the wide appreciation of his acting proves he's good or at least better than you give him credit for.

Maybe you should follow your own signature...

"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."


"(...) With the exception of Fight Club, none of his movies have fared well at the box office (pretty much the main thing which judges an actor's worth accordint to Hollywood); (...)"

I think we have to thank YOU for the laughs that sentence brought us.


i think that its depressing how you judge an actor
the only reason his movies 'haven't hit box office'
is because america chooses to watch horrible movies with
no mediocre actors and actresses and cant handle a good movie
because their minds are to slow to receive the information.
im assuming your one of them because you use metaphors such
as comparing things to what your cat could do and are still using
elementary school slang like lmao to try and under mind everyone else? what are you... possibly older then twelve?
edward norton is one of the better actors, the way he portrays all of
his characters is obviously good
usually the only reason people post things like
they are horrible actors or that was a horrible character
was simply because they don't understand or can't understand them


So you think he's a bad actor because YOU SAY he's a bad actor? Ha-ha, sorry, but the rest of the world doesn't agree with you!

Who do you like, btw?


"If your point is so weak then don't bother to make it at all."




No one really cares about your opinion actually ...

Except, of course, YOU who "really cares" strongly enough to respond with your biased rhetoric.

Oh, and lest we not regard the fact that you completely disregarded the section regarding the character. Obviously, you agree given your omission.

Thank you for the good laugh! Thank you very much!

Is your point so weak that you must have the last word?


Must you use that excuse in each post to try and establish a comeback...

"OH you didn't mention everything in your post of what I said in my post so that means you agree because you omitted from your argument blah blah blah."

I omitted the argument about his character because it's simply that, A CHARACTER. I don't even care enough about this movie to argue about his character.

No, I don't care. The opinion of you is not near enough to outweigh all the credit Norton's received from the people that really matter...critics and Hollywood.

You're welcome, the only thing laughable is your insistence that your opinion is higher than the number of people who understand and acknowledge his talent as an actor.

Frankly, I'm done arguing about such a stupid topic and won't reply again. So if you still question his talent you can go to his IMDB page and see his awards.

So feel free to argue again and make my point that maybe you should take your own signature's advice.

"It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything."


Wow, after watching that great movie I was confident I would never run into character like the one played by Edward Norton in "Down in the Valley"... but no I was wrong. You know it's an interesting decision of yours to choose the imdb board name "author004", after coming across your context the only thing I want to see you "author" of is retire. I wish I could steal your literacy from you so you couldn't infect humanity with your weak and absurd opinions. This film did a good job showing how messed up false realities people people can get absorbed in. Probably the only other person that could have done as good as a job with this role then Norton is someone who closely resembles the character, you.


sounds like a wannabe actor to me.



"Norton has never been considered in the top of his acting class, let alone at the top of the acting ranks."

- Who are you kidding? He's the star of 2 of the top 50 movies of all time in American History X and Fight Club (top 40 on IMDB boards) Not to mention he portrays a variety of roles and plays them all convincingly. Agreed, there are a couple better ones out there, however not many and not by much.

" He's a scrawny, uninteresting actor who should do theater audiences a favor and retire."

- Scrawny? So hes not built like a brick *beep* though it makes it easier to relate to his character. Hes in good shape, but hes not over the top like too many people try to be nowadays.
And uninteresting? He must be doing something right to be a lead actor in movies such as the 2 aforementioned ones, Rounders, Primal Fear (great role as Aaron Stampler, few could have pulled it off as convincingly), The Illusionist, and The Score, to name a few.

"If Harlan would have been played by someone with any acting chops, he still would have been a dime a dozen compared to all of the other characters for whom he was patterned after."

- Like who? The Rock? He seems to be your dream guy for acting, hes not scrawny.

"To summarize, my cat could have portrayed Harlan better than Norton did, and my cat's a female and not a member of SAG! "

- Im not even gonna waste my time on this one.

"Is your point so weak that you must have the last word?"

Obviously you have lost many arguments, or you would have come up with a better sig. Reading your comments on this post shows that you say so much retarded stuff that people should be shaking their heads and walking away, however that would make you think you are right, when clearly that is not the case.


we get it. you don't like edward norton. that's fine. but why is it people on this who write posts feel the need to tell everyone else that they're wrong cause they don't agree with you. you not liking norton doesn't make him a bad actor. but your rationale for labeling him as one, and your incessant need to justify your weak argument with the same points over and over makes you an idiot. if your cat is as gifted as you say he is, maybe you should leave the writing to him?


I feel sorry for this guy's cat.


I also feel sad for the poor cat, ahh.

Majority rules buddy OP! If you dont like Ed Norton much, there is no sense to come on his movie's board, argue about it and laugh at his fans. And ya, like the fans care for your logic!

Well. If movies like TDK can be no.1 and Titanic doesnt even get into top 250. All that can be assumed is, people LIKE to HATE the good quality stuff!

Take care!


Hey Mr. Wannabe,

I wholeheartedly support people being able to make their opinions known, even controversial ones, and as loudly as they want to express them, but attempting to pass off opinion as fact is a LIE!!! Don't let jealousy or envy get the best of your humanity.

If you don't like him, his work, or even his personality because of some encounter you had with him on the street, on a movie set, or in a restaurant, don't like him, but DON'T pretend to be passing universal judgement. Have the courage (and freedom) to speak for yourself. You certainly don't speak for me or for MANY others. Norton is a naturally gifted actor with tremendous range and an ability to play a very wide range of characters, often all at the same time!!

Acting is often misunderstood as being about pretending. Actually, it's far more about conveying truth. That's something you should work on, my friend. Then, I'll be far more interested in who and what you do or don't like....and WHY.

Take care.

I Great Movies&TV!
4Ever St. Elsewhere, NYPD Blue, The Soprano's, & Mad Men


I'm still getting over the cat stuff.


Ignore this man, he's a troll and anyone who thinks Ed Norton is a bad actor doesn't know squat.



I agree op.

Nothing against age gaps but i felt Norton wasn't good for this role. Everytime i saw Wood and Norton together i felt "this movie doesn't work". I really felt Wood couldn't fall in love with this person. Yeah, Norton looked quite old compared to Wood but it wasn't the biggest problem. The chemistry wasn't right. I think they could had chosen better the actor for Harlans role. A bit younger looking and somehow more alive, charismatic person. Norton acted sleepy and boring. He really should do some real westerns, i think he was quite good as a cowboy but this was wrong type of movie for him.

And yes, the character was too stupid and annoying at somepoint, especially at ending part.

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