This movie is Genius

I came on to IMDB to find other people who appreciated this movie as much as I did..what a huge dissappointment to find out that that this site is populate by ignorant fools. What a shame really becasue movies as original and conceptual as Down in the Valley should be the reason we all go on to websites like IMDB to share in the congratulatory testamonials that this film desreves..instead we get comments from single-minded morons who think that unless a movie paralells the Matrix of LOTR its a waste of time and blight on the favorite actor's career. Shame on you all for missing the subtle genius of Down in the Valley. Well done to everyone who worked on that movie and more importantly , to everyone who appreciated and understood it.


agree with you.



only read the first post, but i have to say yes i love this movie. i just watched it the first time, and it has to be on my all time favorites. i dont remember when i was so conflicted on the main character. love/hate... i didn't expect i'd like the movie much, i just sort of watched it on a boring night.

Angel : In 243 years I've loved exactly one person.



Genius?? Not to me. One of the stupidest movies I've ever seen.

~~the coins in the jar are for charity,~~
~~the coins in the tray are for sharing~~
