MovieChat Forums > Wedding Crashers (2005) Discussion > The only part of the film I didn't like....

The only part of the film I didn't like...

...was the final scene. Why would they be plotting to go crash a wedding because they're hungry? They should be headed to Jeremy and Gloria's reception! Are they supposed to be joking about crashing Jeremy and Gloria's reception, because if they are I totally didn't get that? Either way, that scene was stupid. Aside from that, I loved the film.


My take on it was that the final scene took place after Jeremy & Gloria's reception, which was not shown. Or else there was no reception! Other opinions are welcome...

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. -Edison


I wondered why they didnt have a reception too.

i also wondered why the original wedding reception seemed to finish in the afternoon (it was light enough for them to go back and play football)
