MovieChat Forums > Wedding Crashers (2005) Discussion > The subplot with Todd was stupid and unn...

The subplot with Todd was stupid and unneeded

It diluted/muddled the story and lengthened the movie's already bloated running time. Better to have snipped the whole thing out.


If only you had been on hand during production or editing to give advice.

Just imagine how successful the movie could have been!

Perhaps the OP just wants to reach out for some sense of community.



IMDB's Department of Sarcasm has officially revoked your license.


~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


I loved his character too! It showed that he was everything that the "American political family" is against. He was an outsider, and the scene with him and Jeremy was HILARIOUS. I loved the next morning when Jeremy is telling the story to John and describing having duct tape over his mouth! hahahahaha


That was great. That movie never fails to make me laugh--hard. Even Todd's small smile when VV's character said he's keeping the painting. Adorable.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


I disagree. His scenes were some of my favorites. 'I'll be in my room painting homo things' The reaction from Vaughn was hilarious.


That subplot was one reason the movie sagged so badly in its latter portion. It did little or nothing for the movie, so snip-snip.


I liked him. The idea was that the Cleary's except for Clare were a highly dysfunctional family. He has a few funny lines in the uncut version.

I've had a lot of sobering thoughts in my time Del Boy, it's them that started me drinking!
