MovieChat Forums > Wedding Crashers (2005) Discussion > Shoulda been just one Wedding Crasher

Shoulda been just one Wedding Crasher

Vince Vaughn and Isla Fisher were great together. It was very believable that an obsessive little nutjob like her would fall for a lying con man like him. Their story was funny, and all the best scenes revolved around them.

Compare that to Owen and Rachel McAdam. Very weak and unbelievable writing here. Claire was smart and savvy and pretty, and no way in a million years would she fall for a lying con man with that broken nose. Drug my boyfriend? It's ok. Lie to me? No problem. Ruin my sister's wedding and give a speech in the middle of the aisle? Fine with me. The Owen scenes are the ones we fast-forward over, not the Vince scenes. Woulda been so much stronger without him.


But that's just it, nut case falls for liar, end of movie. I can't think of a more ridiculous suggestion to be honest.

I've had a lot of sobering thoughts in my time Del Boy, it's them that started me drinking!


What world do you live in? It happens all the time. Plus look at Sack, He was a total jack@$$


One wedding crasher would have never worked. How boring would that be? You need a wing-man to feed off of, to bounce off one another. I thought Claire was a bit pretentious and took forever to forgive. She pretty much fell in love with him during those 2 days. She knew Sack was all wrong for her. She wasnt excited when they announced they were getting married, he treated her like ish, and she took that! But here was John, who yes, lied at first, but he was himself truly with her. Maybe not his full name or profession, but when he was with her, he wasnt putting on a show. Claire knew her sister was dating Jeremy and then they get married, and yet she is still ignoring John. Come on lady, forgive and move on. Youll end up seeing John from time to time because your sister is marrying his BEST FRIEND. I just thought her sister could have talked her into meeting John, get him out of his depression, but then again this is a movie.

She wanted to forgive him a long time ago, I think. But she was trying to be true to Sack. And she thought she was honoring her fathers wishes, and I think once she saw her dad was standing by whatever choice she would make, it made it easier.
