Mistaken Identity / Look Alikes
When I first saw Gloria, I thought it was a young Karen Gillan.
(Doctor Who)
I never even heard of Isla Fisher before I saw the middle 1/3rd of movie flipping channels.
Seems like most people think she looks like Amy Adams.
The actresses are all "superhot", just like everyone says, but when I first saw "Gloria", I thought she looked like she was about 16 - 17 yrs old. Way too young to be "popped" by 35 yr old Crasher.
When they made clear that Gloria was an 'adult', I didn't feel as bad, until I read that I'd just flipped past a "Table" job, and a little Shades of Grey.
I still think Isla and Karen look alike, and that was the point anyway.....
You Fill Me with Inertia