(SPOILER -SOME) The girlfriend....
of the young man who was killed was so classy how she went out in front of the mob outside the police station and spoke so TRUE about what happened... she was VERY brave to say what she did - even if some of them didn't like it. She spoke from her heart and EVERYTHING she said was true - it was those 2 thugs who decided to rob that store and they are to blame for what happened that day. I feel bad for the victim's family and the police officer who shot the kid. He will live w/this for the rest of his life and its gonna haunt him as well..he was truly upset for what happened. That one guy who jo shot deserved to die, bc he's one of the thugs (he was reaching for his gun from the mailbox), and the other one bluntly came out and said he was gunning for the cop, so he deserves a LONG time in prison, he acted as if they were suppose to feel sorry for him. They used that gun anytime they wanted, it was like there for them anytime they needed it (the thug even said it himself). Him and his dead friend are the REAL cause of this whole tragedy...