On Netflix...
Make it Ghetto Make it Gangsta -SOA
Thank's I discovered the show today and wondered if ny also been cancelled since the whole miami came to Netflix when it was cancelled. I quckly loged in here from my phone to see.
I thought NY would be cancelled before Miami but I was wrong. What was the reason?
I found it on Netflix last week when just browsing tv shows to watch. I was thinking the other day before hand how I missed this show and was looking for ways to watch and then found it. A week later, it was announced the show was on Netflix. Really enjoying season 1 again!
shareI was very happy to see this this show was made available on Netflix streaming. I didn't start watching til, I think, it was S3. Not entirely sure. I got hooked on reruns over a summer and then decided to give the show a try.
Its weird to see Hawkes as the coroner instead of out in the field. By the time I was watching, I think he had just started field work and Lindsay was still new. Basically, I have a very long way to go before I hit "repeats".
Do you have any favorite episodes of S1? Mine have been "American Dreamers" and "Three Generations Are Enough". That's about as far as I have gotten so far.