MovieChat Forums > CSI: NY (2004) Discussion > white cop shoots black kid

white cop shoots black kid

How many times do we have to see this play out


its been done over and over and over -- i'm not racist from a longshot- have plenty have black friends i consider family .. but really enough is enough already - i mean it does happen the other way around as well where a white kid is shot by a white cop or a black cop. like they are running out of stories to tell... and its sad if this is the last time we ever see this wonderful show again and this is the way they are gonna end it w/a storyline like this... i don't like all this racial stuff, prob bc i'm a peaceful person and i am not prejudice like other white ppl are... also is this show coming back? is it canceled? i haven't been reading anything about the state of the show. if anybody knows please let me know - I'm gonna miss the cast if it goes off air esp Mac Taylor - I ADORE Gary Sinese so much, such a great actor and person in general.


This episode is pi$$ing me off. I'm only halfway through it.


I just liked the ending of the episode with the cast. LOL

About the shooting, I think it's just something that happens and causes friction and yes it's overdone at times.


I didn't care much for the episode, but I liked the ending. I liked the dead kid's girlfriend at the end. She was sweet.

I find myself Hot and Cold with this show. Just like the other CSI in Vegas. Perhaps it's time for the franchise to end?


and so,,,which episode would that be?

Illigitimi non Carborundum


Today is Life. Season 9. Final Season.


i mean it does happen the other way around as well where a white kid is shot by a white cop or a black cop.

Yes, but nobody riots over a black cop shooting a white kid because that wouldn't be politically correct...

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Would you say something so stupid about anti-semitism? I seriously doubt it. Enough is enough when racist murderers are no longer allowed to join police forces and when people of color are no longer disproportionately and unjustifiably targeted by lawless police. So spare us the tired blather about having black friends, yadda' yadda' yadda'. Since you are not black, let alone black and male, you don't have a clue firsthand what it's like.


I didn't really notice that race played a big role. It was more "cop shoots an unarmed person". If you focused on the race, that was your own interpretation.


I agree. I just watched this episode on Nobody but the police knew which officer was involved in the shooting and both of their pictures were put out by the TV media.

I think the writer(s) went out of his or her way to not make this about race and in fact it was more nuanced than I thought it would be. It was just really sad and a horrible, horrible coincidence that a young black man in a black puffy jacket is walking down the alley at the same time a black man dressed in similar fashion is running from the police and in fact took a shot at them. It was a terrible tragedy but you could easily see how it happened.

There were several ways they could have taken this: the victim could in fact have been a jewel thief and/or a gang banger; the police officer could have lied and been corrupt; both officers could have been corrupt and planted evidence; they could have played up the racial angle big time; etc.

I've seen enough of these types of shows (especially Law &Order) to expect any of these twists, but I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of a twist. Not everybody involved in a tragedy has to be corrupt in some way. Sometimes bad things happen.

There's something here that doesn't make sense. Let's go and poke it with a stick.-The Doctor


It's a TV show for a reason... IT'S NOT REAL! get over it...


How about until it stops happening nearly every single day in real life?


Do tell us if you think Ferguson was an example of this.


Was Ferguson an example of the lawlessness of racist cops who spinelessly gun down young, unarmed Black men? Absolutely.


Uh-huh. The Justice Department's report on the incident finding that some one tried to take a gun away from a police officer and got shot as a result counts for nothing then (if he *was* ' unarmed', he was certainly doing his best to remedy that).


IF the officer isn't lying to make up any excuse to shoot someone whose life he or she does not consider to be as valuable as that of a white person. "He tried to grab my gun" is the oldest false claim in the book used by crooked cops, as is evidenced by numerous video accounts of unarmed Black suspects who are on the ground while still being verbally accused of resisting when there is clearly no indication of resistance whatsoever. And even if a suspect does try to grab an officer's gun, unless he actually gets hold of it, there is no cause to shoot.
