Boring wannabe pseudo film noir
This movie revolves around a murder and it's a simple plot with just a few characters. The filmography is very neo-noir and comes across as trying too hard to elevate itself from it's mundane and boring screenplay into something that will leave you feeling like when you get a good reading about a murder mystery on a warm sunny day at the central park.
The acting was shallow and not at all good with very one dimensional chars with contrived plots.
Overall this movie reminded me of another boring cheesy neo noir viz. The Oxford Murder.
What a boring waste of my time.
Rating : 4/10
Edit : Another thing is Joseph Gordon L. I though he wasn't good here. Just an average actor. People are taking his performance in Inception which was good and backtracking it to his performance here and claiming this is spectacular. I completely disagree. I think his performance here was amateurish and felt like I was watching a high school play rather than something of substance and worthy of a movie.