
It is really frustrating to come to these boards and see that if people don't like the movie, they automatically get the "Go watch a Michael Bay movie" treatment. Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of a DISCUSSION board. Just because somebody doesn't like something, it doesn't mean they need to be insulted and told they are wrong. You don't need to insult somebody else's taste just because they didn't like one movie that you like. To say that somebody isn't smart enough to understand a "brilliant" movie is absurd.


i understand what you're saying. Having said that, i thought this movie was ok-ish. Some witty direction and cinematography but the script and the editing wasn't up to scratch. Some people only like these kind of movies, which is not healthy i would say. I like a mix of everything, from movies like transformers to assassination of jesse james, etc lolz. But movies like green hornet, knight and day, alien vs predator, bad boys, crank, transporter, etc etc, are totally dumbass movies, you gotta accept. Majority of the blockbusters are garbage, but there are few that surprise you, e.g. mission impossible 3, the mummy, underworld, lord of war, shutter island, inception etc etc.


I totally agree with you guy. As is with everything in the world you get two groups of people who are both equally wrong. When it comes to films you got your commercial crowd unable to watch unique films or even slightly different then the norm films and then you got so called film buffs who bash films with actual merit like transformers and anybody who enjoys them. To be honest i hate the latter more then the first lol.

Anyway i fist watched brick when my film iq was a little lower and hated it. I thought this was a high school underground crowd cheesy type of thing and between the absurdity of the situations lingo and characters i just couldnt keep up. that was a few years ago. Just watched it again today and although not totally able to keep up i respect this film all levels with its beautiful shots page dialogue ect ect. i liked the film and understand most of it and have a feeling by the 3rd viewing il start falling in love with it.


everyone's opinion is different just as their music and movie tastes may vary. and tastes vary with time as people age, gain life experience, etc.

movies u liked when u were 5 is different than when u were 18, different now, and probably different 15 years from now. there might not be a huge difference but tastes change.

so anyway, i never understood why people have to bash others who like what they may hate, such as.. and this is just one example, such as pop music like britney spears. people think it's lame to like that stuff and u should like cutting edge, obscure bands that no one's ever heard of.

when u watch/read movie reviews, all you're getting is someone's opinion of a movie. your opinions of movies shouldn't change based on other people's opinions. if you didn't like "the king's speech" before it won all the oscars, then you shouldn't like it after it, unless.. as i said before, your tastes actually change.

if you want to like a movie, fine. if you don't like a movie, fine too. you can have any opinion you want, whether it sides with the majority or it is a minority opinion.


I like this movie, a whole lot. But I also understand that for some it may not be so easy to like; depending on their level of focus and emotional baggage.

When recommending it, I usually first ask if they appreciate modern noirs - which helps with filtering the viewers abit.


Level of focus, and emotional baggage? Hahaha, good one

The film was OK, but definitely overrated, as far as I'm concerned. It being "unrealistic", as some people feel the need to point out, doesn't bother me. I also agree that it is somewhat pretentious, but that doesn't detract too much from it being moderately interesting and fairly well made, though. The acting was also generally good aswell, I thought

I suppose I just prefer films that don't *take themselves* so seriously

People like you give me extra assurance in my opinion, I've got to say


i want to like this film, but have tried watching it about 5 times and can never get into it :(

same goes for the film "The Departed". i try and try to 'get into' the movie, but it's just so slow and boring.

"Air quotes! ...The mime of insincerity"
- Kowalski, Penguins of Madagascar
