MovieChat Forums > Brick (2006) Discussion > What she really whispered **Spoilers**

What she really whispered **Spoilers**

k i know if you cc the scene, it says motherfkcuer but that doesn't make any sense. Honestly, i think it makes way more sense that she says your the father...say it out loud and its easy that it can be misunderstood, or maybe it was put in the closed caption intentionally, but just think, all that and she ends it by whispering motherfkcuer in his ear? Didn't seem in her character at all, just doesnt fit. I also think he said, she called me a dirty word just as a coverup. He wasn't going to turn around and say, "She told me that my recently deceased ex-girlfriend was carrying my baby"


I thought that's what she said too, Nick.

The Ghost of Don Knotts....coming soon!


maybe she was being difficult
motherfckuer means he's banged the mother therefore he's probably the father.

haha look at it that way


with subtitles it says "mother..." i am jack's signature


good point


In the actual original novella, it says that she says two words, the first being mother, the other, obscene.


Did you read the novella? It says the second word was "low, guttural, and lost to the whistling wind." That means he didn't hear it.

NOBODY KNOWS WHAT SHE WHISPERED. It's left up to your imagination. She doesn't say fvker, she doesn't say "father", she doesn't say anything specific that you can figure out, in the movie or the novella.

People need to learn how to read.


If you take *beep* literally, it's usually a father.


i dont know why, but somehow when "brain" came out from the guys back, it made me to understand that brain was the father... so when joseph gordon says "a dirty word", well.... maybe he was refering to him


Im pretty sure the baby was not his. It was Jerrs (who is never actually in the movie). I have watched this movie billions of times and I believe she calls him a mother f-ker because he was dating someone who was pregnant. Rian wanted you to believe it was Brendan's child the first time you saw the movie. But if you watch it again you realize it wasnt his.


could someone please tell me what She says to him BEFORE she whispers...?


What do you mean what she says before? Watch the movie or go to the Brick website. The Director posted the entire script on the website.


ok i'll do that. i of course have seen the movie i cant tell what she says.

i'll check the site, but ur post was somewhat wsted, you could have just told me. its just like 6 words...
thanks tho ;)



Why should someone else do all of the work for you?


Exactly how I took it, it has to be that. He was having sex with a woman who was technically already a mother, meaning it's someone else's kid before he got to her...

The question is who's? Tug's? The Pin's? Dode's? Anyone know for sure?

"Layered. Like Nachos. Exponential growth yo." - Jesse 'Jackson' Pinkman


If you have watched the movie billions of times, you could have figured out that it cannot be Jerry's child - as the story with him happened about a year ago.


agree with u..."brain" is technically a bad word


UUUHHH-WHAT?! UUUUHHHHHH-WHAT?! Ă’Ăł" That's the most retarded thing i have ever heard!

Nowhere in the movie was mentioned that Brain had something with Emily (the slut). Why did you jump to such a stupid conclusion?

Jesus Christ, i can't believe people sometimes.


those that *beep* mothers are usually fathers
it had more meaning
he finally found out she had the brick and told her that he just ratted her out
she had something on him that he never guessed and *beep* has a double meaning -an assh*le- or someone who *beep* mothers
if he didn't have sex with Emily, and get her pregnant, she wouldn't have died
he *beep* her over


billbd4444, well put...totally agree.

btw, what an incredible idea to modernize classic noir! (thought they only did that to Shakespeare)


What Laura really said is... 'Mother...killer'


To the guy who said Brain was the father... please please please go shoot your face off.

To those who say Jerr was the father, I'm saying no. I haven't read the novella, but in my opinion Brendan was the father, Laura and Kara both knew that I think.

For the original purpose of this post. in the movie, it can clearly be seen her mouthing "mother" what she says next is unclear, as you can't actually hear her say anything, and her lips move behind Brendan's head.. or, to a place where the camera can't see her lips.


If you are actually watching the movie and turn the volume up real loud its pretty clear that she just says "Father" and nothing else. The End.



She called him "Mother *beep*

If you put on close captioning it says "Mother..."

Which essentially means the same thing (father *beep* mother, kiddies) but the actual phrasing makes it an insult.

And Johnson admitted it in an interview with screenwriting magazine.


The captions printed out "mother" only. This doesn't make sense to what he claimed she said, nor does it fit her demeanor that she said *beep*


If Laura whispered, *beep* this has no implication that B is the father.

I have had sex with lots of mom's and I'm not the father to any of their kids, yet I am technically a *beep* :) As in, I have *beep* mothers.

In fact, B would NOT be a *beep* until AFTER he impregnated Em. If she were NOT with child and he had sex with her, he'd simply be a *beep*

Which implies that Jerr is the father, as Jerr dated Emily before and/or during Emily's stint with B.

This also provides motive for B to bury Jerr. B tells Trueman that he dimed on Jerr "to watch him be eaten." Because he was a two-bit dopehead who was dating (impregnated) a girl that B liked.


If Laura whispered, "motherfokker" this has no implication that B is the father.

I have had sex with lots of mom's and I'm not the father to any of their kids, yet I am technically a motherfokker :) As in, I have fokked mothers.

In fact, B would NOT be a motherfokker until AFTER he impregnated Em. If she were NOT with child and he had sex with her, he'd simply be a "fokker"lol.

Which implies that Jerr is the father, as Jerr dated Emily before and/or during Emily's stint with B.

This also provides motive for B to bury Jerr. B tells Trueman that he dimed on Jerr "to watch him be eaten." Because he was a two-bit dopehead who was dating (impregnated) a girl that B liked.


*beep* also means that Brendan had slept with Emily while she carried the baby and she was too afraid to tell him, cause she couldn't stand him loving her. That's why she pulled away and Brendan let her and that's why she died. So she's basically saying it's his fault since he should have been there for her.

I always thought she said something like 'killer' or 'murderer' but *beep* fits in with her blaming him for Emily's death too.


Are people seriously trying to say he's not the father based on the fact that she might or might not have called him a *beep* Seriously? If you wanna be able to tell if he's the father or not, WATCH HIS REACTION IN THAT MOMENT instead of trying to listen to the words she's mumbling. He's the father, move on. Jesus.


Brendan's reaction was from the realization that it was his fault that Emily was killed. Read Subase's comment on page one.



Mother of your child, maybe.
