Interesting show.

I've been watching this program on Netflix (I missed its original broadcast) and find it to be entertaining. I'm not going to slam it like some viewers did nor am I going to sing its praises like others...I will however say that those things I found "wrong" with the show weren't bad enough for me to really dislike it.

There are a couple things that make me scratch my head though... maybe they will be answered later on? I am only about midway through the 3rd season.

1) Immediately at the start of the opening credits, when the theme song everyone hates starts playing, in the lower left hand of the screen there's what looks like a space craft. What is that supposed to be?

2) Blue Shirts R Us. In just about every scene there is at least one person wearing a solid blue shirt. I know the 4400 Center or whatever its called utilizes these as a uniform (or at least, so I assume) but when Diana and Tom share a scene one of them is ALWAYS in a solid blue shirt while the other is ALMOST always in a solid pink shirt. But I noticed that whenever there are two or more people on screen, there is at least one in a solid blue shirt, and it is always the identical shade of blue (sky blue or robin's egg blue). I've never seen that in any other TV program.

3) Leftorium folks? Because I'm surrounded by left-handed people, ever since I noticed Bart Simpson write with his left hand I've kept an eye out for lefties on TV. While there aren't many scenes in the 4400 where someone is writing, when there is, the actor is left handed. Or at least acting as if he or she is. I think I only saw one person write with their right hand (I admit, this one I didn't pay much attention to until I noticed the 2nd or 3rd person then I started looking for a pattern).

Anyway...I'm enjoying it.

Oh and P.S. - what the heck is up with Collier's incessant whispering???

"I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of fertilizing your caviar!" Dr Zoidberg, Futurama


Once you start looking, you'll notice that a large percentage of actors in general are left handed. I assume that it's a left brain/right brain thing. Not saying that being a lefty automatically gives one acting ability, but perhaps there's a link between that skill and a predisposition to left-handedness.

We could ask Julian Jaynes, but he's kind of dead. Unfortunately.

"At present nothing is possible except to extend the area of sanity little by little."


I was going to say the same thing about actors and other creative types tending to be left-handed - or vice-versa.

As per Collier, whispering can be a good way to draw people in and make them listen more closely. He's nothing if not manipulative.


Since making this post I've noticed MANY actors (half of the cast of House MD for example) are left handed. Interesting point.

"I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of fertilizing your caviar!" Dr Zoidberg, Futurama


I think this is the most unique series of the 2000's. I wish they made one more season
