I'm considering the book that the movie is based upon, and others, to read, but I am wondering, if this is a good read? The reviews are good on amazon, but I am asking personally for haters/lovers of the movie and book. I loved the movie.
If you liked the movie, you will really enjoy the book. I bought it figuring it would be a fun read since I had already seen the movie---and quickly realized it goes into even more detail about a LOT of things that they obviously had to leave out for time constraint reasons in the movie. There are more scenes with the girls as youngsters, which helps give that really tight "bond" between them more realism. There is also more with Ella throughout the book, and the development of her relationship with Lewis is given more detail. Plus, there's an entire section of the book, maybe 100 pages long, where Maggie hides out in Princeton after being kicked out by Rose (this is where she learns to read better in the book, NOT because of an older man in then nursing home). All in all, the book was great and it really shows that they did a fantastic job with the translation to the movie. the ONLY thing I was hoping for with the book was more development with the Rose/Simon relationship. It felt rushed in the movie, and it's even more rushed in the book. But if you liked the movie, you'll like the book a lot. Go get it!
i liked the book better than the movie... (mayb i'm jus biased against the actors)
then again i always like the book better. makes me wonder why i even bother watching. maybe i always watch in the hopes than they finally make a movie better than the book... yeah right!
I watch the movies knowing that they won't be as good as the books. I kind of see them as separate things. Like the Harry Potter movies, they are okay but all they make me do is want to re-read the books because they skip so much and re-arrange the order of how everything happened. They just have to leave out so much.
If possible, watch the movies first, then they seem better. lol