
Maggie cannot read yet after she takes off for Florida, Rose and her guy look over a novel that Maggie left behind. Rose also mentioned that Maggie typically read those type of books so that indicates that Maggie was a regular reader yet throughout the rest of the film, she seemed to take lengths to avoid reading.


The movie actually skips what I think is the best part of the book which explains this. When Maggie runs away, she actually doesn't go to Florida right away. She hides on a college campus and one of the many things she learns is to love reading. The movie is fine but the book is just wonderful. This is my favorite book! Highly recommended!


But the book was left before Maggie left Rose's. I'm curious, since in the movie, we're led to believe Maggie learns to read by reading to the old guy, is that a part of the book at all?


Not exactly. I can't find my copy to confirm but I don't remember her reading to anyone. She does spend a lot of time with the residents of the retirement community and befriends many of them.


I think Rose was embarrassed to say that it was hers, so she said it was Maggie's.


In the beginning of the movie, Rose says, "settling for love on the pages of romance novels," so clearly, it's her book, but like another poster said, she's embarrassed to say it's her book.

"In time you'll drop dead and I'll come to your funeral in a red dress!"
