this movie +spoilers+
...Is horrible. It was entirely too long and had the most rambling plot I've ever seen. I understand it was a movie based on relationships but they shouldve let it focus on the relationship of the two sisters. Instead they went on and on about the relationship between the sisters, then toni's boyfriend and her, then toni's boyfriend and her sister, then toni's fiance and cameron, then cameron and her stepmom, then cameron and her dad, then cameron and her grandma, then the grandma and her love interest, then the grandma and her daughter, then toni and the grandma, then toni and the dad, then the dad and the mom, then cameron and the old fellow she read to, then cameron and the old man's son. Ridiculous. I understand how it could make a good book but the plot was just too sprawling for a movie. It seemed like it should've been a tv series instead. With many, many seasons to explore these tragically intricate relationships.
Also, I found Cameron's transformation way too dramatic to be believed.
I,however, did enjoy Toni's acting. It was the one bright spot in this other wise horrendous movie.
I see why it got such bad reviews, and why I had never even heard of it until last night.
~the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return~