How you could do that to your sister, sleeping with her partner?! I dont mean to sound judgemental, but I just cant believe Maggie could do that to Rose, they are flesh and blood for god's sake! I know its a movie, but there is no way this would happen in reality would it? Or does anyone know of this happening in real life?
Unfortunatly it can be said that this probably happens more than you'd like to think. People can be so thoughtless, especially when spite, envy, even passion comes into it. I've had the horrifiying experience of my sister's partner coming onto me, and I discouraged the situtation and then proceeded to tell her about it. He's an ok guy, and was drunk, but she still needed to know! There are im sure many people who would have just done the deed and either had it come out in awful circumstances, or kept it as an evil little secret. These days monogomy doesnt seem to be an easy thing for people =( even when it includes family members and such...
Im not trying to be judgemental or anything, i just cant comprehend how she did it to her sister- i dont condone cheating in any shape or form, but your family? Sure I fight with my sisters and sometimes I wish i was an only child but i would never do this to them- and being drunk is no excuse
It is awful, and there are no excuses, but it happens! Some people dont seem to have morals anymore. I wouldnt do it, and you wouldnt do it, but some people would.
As unfathomable as a sibling sleeping with another sibling's man, I heard it happens quite often. But Maggie sleeps around anyway, so sex isnt a big deal to her. Plus, she wanted to hurt her sister and the best way to do so (in her mind) was to *beep* Rose's man.
Unforunaetly, it does happen. Just turn on the Maury show sometime, I'm sure alot of people on his show have done this very thing, which is sad, really.