MovieChat Forums > In Her Shoes (2005) Discussion > if u want to torture someone

if u want to torture someone

let him watch this movie


What are you talking about?! This movie is amazing.


This is a totally crappy movie. Big stars can't rescue a movie with no point other than relationships. I watched this dreck and I couldn't keep my eyes off my watch hoping this steaming pile would end. People - Crap is crap no matter if the babe has big boobs or whatever. Don't make something out of a moneymaker that doesn't exist in the real world. This movie stinks!


Obviously not your type of movie. That's fine, it's not for everyone. I liked it enough but the book is MUCH MUCH better!


I agree, terrible movie..... and I am extremely eclectic so don't lump me in a group saying not my type of movie because I enjoy tons of different types. This is simply a terrible movie, that spends half the time making people uneasy in their seat irritated beyond belief wanting to strangle Cameron's character.


Most people with a brain wouldn't sit there being tortured by it, they would get up, walk out, and go see something like Rocky XVII or Rambo VIII. As for the rest, if they're stupid enough to allow themselves to be tortured by it, then they're probably going to do something even more stupid like post about it, implying that the movie is to blame for their stupidity.


Yeah terrible film.

No explosions, no special effects, no bodies with their heads being cut off.

Terrible film.
