Worst Best Friend Ever

Seriously, Amy as a best friend is a real downer. Her cynical comments about how no boyfriends can be grown up, etc. smacks of jealousy. And she is no real support after that horrendous shower thrown by the wicked stepmother.

As best friends go, I would want the one in "Bed of Roses" or even Rosie O'Donnell in "Sleepless in Seattle." I can think of 101 better best friends than this one.

Poor Rose. Crazy sister and bitter best friend. Amazing that she lives happily ever after in the end.


God I feel that way whenever I watch this. Not supportive in the least. I hate her. Even if I had a sister like Maggie I would in no way put up with the stuff Amy says in the beginning about how Maggie isn't remotely capable of having a job and whatever else. I'd be all "STFU you suck at friendship."

[Everybody's happy nowadays]


Being a good best friend doesn't mean letting your friend take the emotional abuse of others without comment. No one would fault the friend if it was a dude treating her that way. How many times would you have to your friend's life turned upside down by a relative before you would say something?


Well the movie isn't about her.
It was concerned with showing someone supporting Rose, a confidante, and a sarcasm-filled supporting character.


Rose was bitter too so they had a lot in common. Plus she was probably a loyal friend.


I loved Amy! I tend to be a bit cynical myself, and I think someone like Rose could use a friend that isn't afraid to tell it like it is at times.
