Here’s a woman who thought she was good for little more than hookups, usually drunken, then she finds herself in Florida—at a retirement community—and her whole world turns around.
I got that too. Plus I think she learned why she acts the way she does. People were always protecting her. How could she learn from her mistakes if they didn't hold her accountable to her face.
Don't wake up giving yourself a pass. Challenge yourself to be better
She went down there to get money from her grandmother in the beginning. I don't think she wanted to contribute to the household at first. But she found some self worth and acceptance there, which helped her better understand herself and find a path for a happy life.
Don't wake up giving yourself a pass. Challenge yourself to be better
That's for sure, but do you think that her first days down there count as a mistake? Seems to me that even her sister told her to get a job, helped her out, but it was the setting that helped. No bars, no men and nothing that could distract her from actually getting a life.
I remember the scene where she was sunning herself, not a care in the world. Plus she wasn't truthful about why she was there. So, to me anyway, she was just killing time until she could make her move. In fact she was looking for money until her Grandmother stepped in and gave her a choice, become responsible or else. Or maybe the Grandmother just said lets take better care of you for a change. And that helped her become responsible, I can't remember how the scene played out after she caught her looking for cash. But before that help, she was still the same girl.
Don't wake up giving yourself a pass. Challenge yourself to be better
She basically confronted her about coming down there to milk her for all she could, she gave her her price, and she said they were looking for help in the clinic thingy, and she would match penny by penny what she would earn there. But I think the setting played a big role. No distractions down there.
I see your point if you mean she had no opportinuty to seduce someone she wanted. In my opinion, she had no money to put herself in those places of opportunity. No contacts to help her. I saw her first steps with the blind patient, and from there her growth.
Don't wake up giving yourself a pass. Challenge yourself to be better