Where's the hook?
The hook, you know, the great story, the great characters, anything great that draws you into the story. The plot doesn't have to be all that special, but if it is weak then you need good acting to make up for it. The actors in this film were not so special, pretty blah all around, football stars, yuck. One good interesting actor would have saved this film from oblivion. What would Chinatown have been without Jack Nicholson as Jake Giddes? So, Brian, are you listening? Nail down some actors who come across as detectives, people that have obviously been through the hell of life on the streets. You'd at least make back your investment instead of losing money as this film did.
Jack Nicholson - always a treat to watch
Nick Nolte - a joy when he goes over the top
Harrison Ford - nobody gets frantic like Harrison
Kevin Spacey - as good as a good cop gets
...and the list goes on and on. It's a long list.
Here a hook, there a hook, everywhere a hook-hook.