Has anyone heard of this theory?
Regarding Betty Short's murder, here's James Ellroy and a few others talking about it. Be sure to watch all 3 parts, it's a great theory. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RUPKbDebSA
shareRegarding Betty Short's murder, here's James Ellroy and a few others talking about it. Be sure to watch all 3 parts, it's a great theory. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RUPKbDebSA
shareWhile that youtube video may have been a plausible theory back when it was filmed, since 2003, I am very sure it has been solved by Steve Hodel, a very good former LAPD detective (23 years on the job, received more than 75 commendations, handled over 300 separate murder investigations and had one of the departments highest "solve rates," and was promoted to Detective III, the highest attainable rank in detectives.)
link for this info on him: http://www.amazon.com/Steve-Hodel/e/B001IO8EUU/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
I say 2003 because that is the date Steve Hodel published his book naming a suspect: his own father, George Hill Hodel, Jr.
I think Steve Hodel sucessfully solved Elizabeth Short's murder. I suggest reading his books on it:
*Black Dahlia Avenger: The True Story ISBN 1-55970-664-3
Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/Black-Dahlia-Avenger-True-Story/dp/0061139610/re f=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1391805447&sr=8-1&keywords=steve+hode l
*Black Dahlia Avenger II: Presenting the Follow-Up Investigation and Further Evidence Linking Dr. George Hill Hodel to Los Angeles's Black Dahlia and other 1940s- LONE WOMAN MURDERS ISBN 978-0-9830744-4-1
Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/Black-Dahlia-Avenger-Presenting-Investigation/dp /0983074445/ref=la_B001IO8EUU_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=13918092 08&sr=1-2
*Black Dahlia Avenger; A Genius for Murder ISBN 0-06-058995-7
Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/Black-Dahlia-Avenger-Genius-Murder/dp/2286005362 /ref=la_B001IO8EUU_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1391808533&sr=1 -5
Also, here's another video on Youtube about the black Dahlia ( I suggest typing in "steve hodel" in the search bar for videos on him when you search Youtube)
But most importantly, I suggest going to his own website for more answers as well as questions. the great part of it is Steve Hodel will actually reply to you!
here's the link: http://stevehodel.com/
and here's some proof he responds and replies back to you: http://stevehodel.com/2014/01/retired-mammoth-police-sgt-paul-dostie-a nd-buster-receive-high-praise-for-work-in-help-locating-remains-of-wwi i-mias/
If you love Jesus & are proud of it copy this & make your signature. I saw this & I did.
I've heard his story before. I think it could be his father. Although, I think saying his father was also The Zodiac might be reaching a little?
shareI haven't read Steve Hodel's book on that yet. So I can't comment on it yet. Who knows though? Here's a link to the book:
http://www.amazon.com/Most-Evil-Avenger-Further-Murders/dp/B0052HKO9I/ ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1392996464&sr=8-3&keywords=steve+ho del
I only personally think Steve Hodel nailed the Elizabeth Short case, and he seems like a brilliant/genius detective.
If you love Jesus & are proud of it copy this & make your signature. I saw this & I did.
It seems like you're trying to promote hodel's books. How can you be for one theory of others when there isn't enough evidence? Some think this was a random murder. Some think it was Dr. Bailey, NOT hodel. Hodel is trying to exploit this case and murder. He's more than likely wrong about his father and it's pathetic how he accuses his DEAD father of a crime that nobody solved. Evidence is scarce and gone. Hodel is a farce. Are you hodel's friend? Hodel is exploiting this case and it's disgusting and pathetic. We don't need to Buy Hodel's books. We can download the pdf for FREE! I suggest everybody download the FREE pdf of his books, if you want his possibly incorrect accusation. Nobody will know who did it and the James ellroy documentary "Feast of death" I think, which is the 3 part YouTube video above, is close!
sharecwade22, I'm not trying to promote his book and I don't know him. I was just trying to offer what I think is the the most accurate info on what seems to be the most plausible scenario for Elizabeth Short's murder.
Also, cwade22, can you provide the link for where to read the free pdf of his books? It would be much appreciated.
If you love Jesus, & are proud of it, copy this & make it your signature. I saw this & I did.
Just google and search for the torrents. Ive downloaded many books for free then added them to itunes, then added to my phone. Still, i suggest you read John Gilmore's "Severed." Also, google Larry Harnisch. Larry harnisch is close with his assessments. Larry harnisch has done a lot of research, and has checked each claim/book for validity. Hodel is not only lying, but Even ELIZABETH'S SISTERS and Niece DISPUTED Steve Hodel after they saw his ALLEGED pics of beth, which WERE NOT HER! Thus, anything else he says is a FARCE! Why'd he say it? To sell his exploitative and farcicle books. Hes a hack, and it annoys me that people cant see the evidence Against his claims. I mean, ELIZABETH SHORT'S SISTERS AND NIECE Disputed the pics he presented as being of their sister! That alone, tells me he's lying. You can surely find his pirated pdf's on the internet. I wouldn't recommend wasting money on his books. But if you want to waste time on his already thoroughly Disproven claims, either borrow the books, go to a public library, do your own research or download the pirated pdfs. If you live in los angeles, go to the public library and search the 1946-1952 records on the case. Gilmore and harnisch are closest!
sharelol please, the picture of the woman found in Hodel's possession that supposedly is Beth Short looks absolutely nothing like her. No way this doctor killed her.
shareI have the book and have heard all if his theories. I own the book and have it. Pure loose speculation. Totally not credible, laughable really. Most of his theories were triggered because he had found random photos of a woman he thought looked like ES, however they look nothing like Miss Short. In fact even the two main photos are not of the same girl either. There is no proof or witness of ES ever being with Hodel or attending a party at his infamous home. Steve Hodel needed to sell books, and maybe wanted to stick it to his father as some type of revenge. But I think mostly for money & attention.
Someone mentioned Dr. Bailey. Now he did have a connection (knew her sister), lived near the body dump site, and was a surgeon.
I cannit edit, excuse the repeat comnent if owning the book...