The Mafia

I know this is going to sound a bit weird, but I'm rewatching the series on Netflix and something is bugging me. When I got to the 'The Mafia' episode, the description says that Erin ruins Pam's painting, but nowhere in the episode does that happen. I can't remember if it happens later on in the show or not, but I was wondering if anyone knew.


It's a deleted scene. Erin ruins the painting whilst she's cleaning it. It's on Youtube.


Ah. Thank you so much!


Interesting. I thought viewers were supposed to include deleted scenes as if they actually happened, according to Daniels... but that doesn't work at all for this one.


Yea, Erin sprayed painting with windex but I guess there was no glass over the pic lol


Right, she apparently meant well but didn't check to make sure the painting itself was protected.

It quietly comes back later on, though. I assume that Pam redid it.
