Steve Carell was definitely the glue because without him this series is all over the place. The James Spader episodes are odd because Spader has developed a very strange sort of abbreviated way of speaking with his head, which by the way has gotten quite large, tilted back. The episodes with DeAngelo Vickers were so unmemorable that I just don't remember them.
I'm with you on Lost. That series became so convoluted that I didn't know when or where it was so I just stopped watching it. And Heroes is almost in the same boat, bouncing back and forth between the present and the future so many times in the same episode I had to take a Dramamine. How many remember Jim Carrey's "audition" for Michael's spot in S7:E24?
However I don't see how anyone could prefer the show without Carell. He is a central character and is largely responsible for the show's success. It may be simply because many just don't like him. But cancer on the eyes? Yikes!