Brotherhood - top 250?

Why isn't Brotherhood in the top 250 when it has such a good average rating?


I think not having as many votes hurt it. IMDB's top 250 ratings are weighted so that movies with more votes are rated higher or something like that.

But I agree, I can't believe this film isn't in the top 250. I feel like spending a whole day of mass producing accounts just to vote 10s for this movie to raise it up.


i don't think it's even in the top 50 war movies, which is just riciculous...


I think the rating is just for American Movies...


I think the rating is just for American Movies...

I don't think so becuase Oldboy is in top 250


it's a tragedy that anyone should miss such an overwhelmingly emotional film. Action is just a icing on the cake.

"60% of the time, it works every time"


It was on there near the bottom (240-250) around this time last year. IIRC, the "actual" IMDB rating for it (the one that determines where it is on the list) was around 7.8. If you take a look at the bottom now, there are a bunch of 7.8s right now. I'm pretty certain it just got bumped off the list with the influx of new films cracking the top 250.


Lol yeah like some really "good" films like Borat that made to the top 250 in weeks -.-

This movie belongs up there again
