tanned koreans

I have never seen Koreans with such swarthy complexions as they were in this movie. I did not know Koreans were tanned in the 1950's they sure are not that dark today. Just thought it was weird.


It's been a couple years since I've watched the movie so I can't be sure, but didn't those guys get darker as the movie progressed?
Koreans are a lot whiter these days because they're so urbanized and spend so much time indoors, but the guys that spend their lives outside a bit get pretty brown.

I know I did when I was in the army..


Koreans these days are lighter in complexion mainly because it is considered beautiful to be light skinned, especially for women. If you're dark skinned it could be considered by some people that you're lower class because of your occupation (outdoor work/farming etc). As the economy got better, more jobs opportinities were created and now most of the population have office jobs. If you go to more rural areas the people are much darker and tanned than people from Seoul.



haha i'm a lower class korean i'm tanned like ... tanned,,
maybe that's cause i live in UK


lol, cause the UK is known for its sunshine.

"Don't point that gun at him, he's an unpaid intern."


In 1940, people were usually more tanned and dusky because water was rare resource. White people were in the same situation. They were also more tanned at that times.


American farmers tend to be darker than your urban counterpart.

The sun tends to bronze things up, in case you didn't realize.


Just a few things, from my point of view:

1. Someone said that being "white" is the epitome of beauty in the modern world. This is ALMOST TRUE, as being tanned is actually the epitome of beauty in the western world.

2. Koreans naturally tend to develop a light bronze tan, and develop it very easily. I once dated a Korean girl who often got dark enough to pass for a Native American....;

"I snort. I drink I kill. I am not a kid-I am a man."



"I'm from the Philippines, its a pretty damn warm country and there are alot of koreans down here but no they don't get tanned by the sun. They're really white some even pale."

You sure they're not Japanese?

"I snort. I drink I kill. I am not a kid-I am a man."


It does all really depend on what environment your in and how much sun you get. but i must say korean chicks are rather attractive.

Movies: Unreality with a touch of reality.


I think back in the 50s for Korean men to be tan was mainly because they were mostly outside working at their parents farms or outside doing some sort of work. I know my mom's side of the family is pretty tan because they worked on the farm a lot. And my mom was born in 1960. But, nowadays, my dad is pretty tan cause he is always outside playing golf. I'm tan because I have that natural Asian tan. So.. I dunno.
