The idiots at rottentomatoes

I was just reading reviews for this movie on, and I'm so disappointed in a lot of the really stupid reviews.

Almost all the critics who panned this movie find fault with its sentimentality, which just indicates they have no understanding of Korean drama. And yet, the movie gets crap for it. It's a shame that this movie takes the fall for the total ignorance of so many pretentious film critics.


I totally agree, I never really put much worth in anything written at rottentomatoes.


Oh, look at me, I'm on my high horse because I don't agree with critics. Geez, someone give me a prize! This movie is overrated.


The movie is horribly over sentimental though .... why should this be ignored in Asian films when it is derided in western films.

I do think people will rate foreign language movies higher then they would an english language movie because 1) they put extra effort into reading subtitles, and 2) an elitist attitude.


Alot of people agree with those reviews.

Deal with it.
