One of the Lee's...

The traitor Lee brother in this kinda reminded me alot of the young Chow Yun Fat.

Especially in how me manages to kill so many people without getting hit. But he also looks kinda like him with similar demeanor and facial expressions I think.

Did anybody else notice this? I was always expecting him to break out the double pistols and slide down a stair banister at some point...


Heh, yes. I must admit that when I first saw him, instantly a young Chow Yun Fat sprang to mind. The only time he didn't look like Chow Yun Fat was in the opening scene, when in a somehwat homoerotic manner, he was fed a phallic ice lolly. The excessive gayness (that is, unrelenting happy smilingness), of the beginning scene is drastically unlike CYF, known more for his frowns and scowls; Of course, Jin-Tae soon went crazy, so yeah, it was uncanny...


The only time he didn't look like Chow Yun Fat was in the opening scene, when in a somehwat homoerotic manner, he was fed a phallic ice lolly. The excessive gayness (that is, unrelenting happy smilingness)



The only time he didn't look like Chow Yun Fat was in the opening scene, when in a somehwat homoerotic manner, he was fed a phallic ice lolly. The excessive gayness (that is, unrelenting happy smilingness)



Actually Chow Yun Fat used to act in some corny Hong Kong comedies too. Another film in which he smiled a lot is one of the God of Gamblers film, where he played the titular character who lost his memory at one point, leaving him in a child-like state.


Absolutely, same impression here.


Yeah, he reminded me a bit of a young Chow Yun Fat aswell actually.
