this has american war-film school writen all over it...
you got the idylic scene at the river, lotts of water,the entire familly's there, everybody's happy, all wear white, ah! the purity of it all !
Then you got the brothers reunion on the battlefield , piano, glorioso arpegio (music scores resemble Band of Brothers so much), the crying, the b itchin, the "you gotta come with me bro, so you will live" type of dialogue, the war is a bad-thing message that's right stuffed into your face, artillery bombardment, blood on the camera.
None of this was original. I could watch very well Saving Private Ryan, it had brothers, it had emotion , it also packed action whitout the teary, sob-sob , dehumanisation type of tapestry.
War is bad, I know that. Show some guy who's ok with it, for a change. Like Ryan was.Figthing for your country, doing something that's honourable, that's all that matters.
stupid a ss movie...
signature :
...something deep and overwhelming...