It's pretty rare in the modern day because we just don't see the tight-quarters fighting we used to, a battle is generally fought by and large by pushing buttons and sending missiles to soften up a target then send some troops in to mop the rest up. The situation has become different because we can sit at home, push a button, and off thousands of people. At this time however, when you're dealing with bolt action rifles (and anyone who's fired a bolt action rifle knows they simply don't pump out shots fast, a person can get good with them, but they aren't semi-auto's) when you have 3000 people charging at you, you may manage to kill some while they're charging, but by the time you get 4 or 5 shots off you suddenly have people diving into your trench all around you, on top of you, over you...there's people firing rifles off to one side, and then gutting someone with heir bayonets before they can reload.
Real combat is when the enemy is all over the wire and there's nowhere to fall back to, you just have to hope your knife is polished...
They try to avoid it now because the reality is, it's easier to kill people you can't push a button and then be told you killed people 3000 miles away is tough, to look into a mans eyes and shove a bayonete into their guts to eviscerate them is traumatic beyond belief. That's why I always had such respect for ancient warriors who had to fight hand to hand all the time...that would break most of us psychologically today.
"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."