Just out of curiosity, why have several hundred people given this film 1 out of 10? I can understand that it is not to everyone's taste, but even people who dislike it can't truly think that it has absolutely no merits whatsoever. So I was just wondering, who gave it 1 out of 10 and why?
It's strange how every single film seems a large group of people who gave them 1 out of 10, even ones like Schindler's List and Rear Window. I'm not saying that everyone has to like those films, as everyone's entitled to their own preferences. But to say that films like these are among the worst ever made shows a very odd perspective on what makes a good film.
You dont seem to know dont know how most people really are . They are so naive in their sense of appreciation of films that the only movies they can appreciate are the films like Step Up, Step Up 2, Every Saw, The new Friday the 13th, The New Halloween, Meet the Spartans, Jessica simpson and Paris Hilton movies ans such.
For example, so many teenagers will easily walk out after the first 10 minutes of screening of even the "GODFATHER". What do you think they will rate the "GODFATHER" then ? a 1 right ? Thats your answer.
People are unfortunately tactic voting, if they think the film deserves a 4 they doesnt give it a 4, they give it a 1 since that will draw down the average rate more then if he had voted a 4. that is why there is not a single movie that has more that voted a 2 then a 1, even if that is what it actually should have since the rest is most of the time following a curve. that is the most boring about imdb, all the ones that is tactic voting, the same goes for everyone that give a movie 10 when they think it deservs a 7 because the average is on 5.
Yeah, sometimes i too wonder how people give 1/10 to movies which i find great. There are so many examples i can give(especially Korean movies). But for this film, i think it's not too strange. I still think this film is great(best war movie in my opininon), but there could be some users who can't stand war movies, and automatically give them 1. This is bad of course.
Sometimes people wish to entirely like a movie on all fronts, or get put off by a single thing. A reasonable person who has his likes and dislikes would give a mediocre score, whereas a moron will give a 1.
Good answers all. And unfortunately there are haters on the net - especially other Asians - who'll vote down anything good coming out of Korea purely out of spite. I believe there is a wide overlap between this group and the 'morans'.
welcome to the world of intelligent people. inhabitants: not you...
first of all, there is already a useless thread asking the exact same retarded question.
second of all, is it so hard to see that if people develop an antipathy for something they usually use the full extent of their possibilities? for example, if your comment was ratable, i'd give it a 1/10 too, even though its style is far from being the worst on what you can read on imdb, but the fact that you wasted precious space with your idiotic question instead of just reading through the ALREADY EXISTING dumbass thread showered me with a dislike for you.
thirdly, even if you were so deluded about normal standards of people's behaviour then the mere fact that EVERY SINGLE MOVIE ON IMDB (and that includes extremely high rated ones) has acquired 1-star ratings to a certain amount, should have given anyone with two braincells the idea that these ratings are certainly not linked to the quality of the movie itself, but rather linked to other circumstances surrounding the movie, be it its fans, director, actor(s), producer, etc...
i think i'll head off and give band of brothers a 1/10...just to prove a point...
As someone who's kept up with this thread over the last few years, I know two big reasons why many people hate this movie:
1) Stupid comparisons: lots of people say it's just a foreign knock-off of Saving Private Ryan. So, you get lots of fanboys and fools who hate this movie in principle.
2) The acting: may posters fault the movie for being so emotionally over-the-top, which may seem like a valid criticism unless you're familiar with Korean culture (movies and TV, specifically)
(this is meant for the guy who gave it 3/10, not you somethingnottakenbyanotheruser) Exactly. This really happened. I don't know if you know but Koreans are very family-minded people. It's more important than individual freedom or independence, something which North Korea seems to have destroyed in their concentration camp systems.
Most of these guys went through tough times being oppressed by the Japanese Empire. Japan literally raped and pillaged China AND Korea. When the US occupied Korea, we were certain there would be peace for a long time and this specific family (who were poor) finally began to generate decent income and got their footing back. Once obtaining such stability and living a happy life once again after the rape from Japan, another war erupts because the North invades and now BOTH of your sons are being drafted? The whole point of the draft was that they would take one young man from each family. They took both their sons, meaning they have no way of passing down the family blood if both of them died. And judging from the war they just witnessed, WWII, they saw how many people can easily die.
Maybe you won't feel so different when you get unfairly drafted and your parents do the same thing to you. The grandmother and the older brother sacrificed everything they had to send his younger brother to a university. Sorry some of you Americans don't know the true meaning of family, yelling at your mom and cussing and your dad and treating your family like crap. If you can't sit there and endure melodramatic scenes, you obviously have insecurity issues.