Annoying brother *spoilers*

I just couldn't stand the younger brother. He was always whining. About everything. Whatever his older brother did, you know exactly what will happen - the younger brother will look at him hatefully and will pathetically blame him: "it is all your fault!"

Trying to save his younger brother - screw you, I hate you!
Fighting for his country - screw you, I hate you!
His wife killed by their own government - screw you, I hate you!


I did notice that as well about halfway through the film. I thought it ws a pretty powerful story nonetheless, but yeah I hear you...and once I noticed it seemed to get worse.


So what? You should be grateful... there is a character who makes you feel anything. In this case it is hate. Compared to Whitwicky or how Shia LaBoeufs annoying character is called in *beep* the character of Jin-seok Lee is rather cool. His reactions on actions in the movie do all make sense and just because he is not a badass he is not necessarily a bad character. So...
