Not only is darker, it's also a more balanced and unbiased approach to such a complex conflict like the korean war. Or any war for that matter.
As you have pointed out correctly, this movie is not about the good dudes fighting against "those evil scumbags" in the other side of the field, as most Hollywood films does.
In this film as in the real life, there are not heros nor villains. Only human beings that commits either heroic or brutal (or both) acts regardless in which side of the field they are. The characters of this movie are people consumed and/or dehumanized by the war. They didn't choose to fight and they don't fully understand why they are fighting against their former neighbors and friends. No, they are only average human beings who wants to return home safe and sound. Just like most soldiers in a war, except for mercenaries, warmongers and fanatics.
That's why IMO The Brotherhood of War it's a lot BETTER than Saving Private Ryan.