MovieChat Forums > The Football Factory (2004) Discussion > And people ask why crime is out of contr...

And people ask why crime is out of control?

Its obvious that movies like this are the reason why the youth in this country are a bunch of thugs....

The media portrays these mindless, unskilled and untrained thugs who carry as heroes, and then people wonder why the under educated youth want to follow in their footsteps, its hard core mind control.

If you want REAL hardmen why not research up on the SAS or SBS? - They are real heros!

If you want to see THE HARDEST men in the world fight watch MMA fighters - they are the most highly trained, highly skilled modern day warriors - the greatest athletes in the world and what's more POSITIVE role models!



That idiot posted the same crap on the Rise of A Footsoldier board. Seems he has nothing better to do with his time.



because im sick of football hoolignas been sensationalised and glamourised, im sick of them been portrayed as real hard men when they are nothing more than unskilled, untrained thugs!

Alot of the problems we have in society could be attributed to films like this and others that glorify gang culture!



Ha ha - go for it, football hooligans are untrained fighters with no skill!

Ultimate fighters are highly trained mixed martial art experts and highly decorated athletes, yet are still good role models!


what is your problem? you always post the same *beep* on every "hooligan" board. proper hooligans know how to knock out a person with a punch. you know nothing about hooliganism. you only say that because your mummy or your grandma told you that hooligans were bad persons. they just fight with each other, having fun. it's fun to be in a mob. it's fun to fight with other mobs. maybe tommy johnson is a so-called loser because he only "lives for the weekend" but he enjoys life. something you apparently don't do.


I agree Martin this guy spends his life defending MMA , if you like MMA that's fine, but don't come on these boards pushing and preaching your propaganda about mma fighters being the best people on the planet, if you don't like hooligans then you sure do have a funny way of showing it cause you spend way too much time buying there movies and discussing them on boards....which in turn generates more money for them and creates buzz around their projects


Yeah because where society is going wrong is that it's not training its thugs sufficiently. Fight school must be the answer!

And I think you'll probably find that gang mentality pre-dates cinema by numerous millenea.


Violence in this country (and it's no worse than any other country in the world by the way) existed before the making of this film! And you could point to a thousand films and accuse them of glorifying violence. Films like this reflect a certain subculture, they don't cause it or even exacerbate it.


to the OP:
coming from a person who think kids can be influenced by this movie...
violence is a human instict, dear.


The SAS are sadistic thugs who travel the world enforcing an outdated policy as Britain still being a world superpower.

Contrary to popular belief, it is impossible to overdose on marijuana... though many have tried.


These so called hooligans are the ones from where the best fighting infantry come from when the governments start a war. ie: the hooligans are the ones who protect them from their enemies, because they have tradiotionally done what they are told and been controlled through "patriotism" The politicians dont like the working classes organizing themselves into fighting groups that they have no control over. They fear them.
I am against blades and coshes etc, weapons are for cowards. But if two groups want to fight and test themselves against each other, then its nobodies business but there own. They should be allowed to meet in large fields and kick it out. Best crew wins. Have any of you seen those videos of Polish and German lads battering hell out of each other for ten minutes, in the middle of a forest where they meet for an organzied scrap? They really go for it, all out mayhem. After its over they have a beer together! Its only in the last hundred years that people have got so hand wringingly nancyfied about a harmless scrap.
IMDB member since 2002
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dolifk, i could'nt agree with you more, i'm American so it's even worse over here, even slightest bit of violence in movies or music and it gets blamed on kids killing kids, gun control etc.
