MovieChat Forums > The Football Factory (2004) Discussion > Why are football hooligans glorified?

Why are football hooligans glorified?

These people are scum of the earth yet every year they are milking in on their lives as hooligans through books and movies?!

These criminal scum are making god knows how much by glamourising thier image in books and movies and they are potentially inspiring young kids into looking up to them and maybe emulating them!


They are absolute tits who love to act hard in huge groups and claim they love the buzz of fighting, yet never fight one on one and piss their pants when they actually do.

If they think they are so hard why dont they take up boxing or a martial art rugby union or league or sports of that nature, oh wait a minute there are rules in these sports they couldnt have that.

Where i stay i frequently meet people who are ex Football 'casuals' they spend their entire pathetic lives in the pub smoking and drinking and reminiscing about their past fights an 'glories' these c=nts are frequently in their late 30's early 40's who behave like they are f==king 14, When they tell their old stories its sad to see the up and coming ars=holes of the future( teenagers and guys in their early twenties) listening to these parasites and using them as role models.

If it were up to me id have these c==ts wiped off the face of the planet they are f==king oxygen thieves.


I totally agrre with you.  I grew up in an area that was infested with this kind of riff raff.  They were totally immature as kids, immature  & violent as teenagers then immature, violent & evil as adults.  I watched this flm and felt totally depressed because none of these idiots was capable of any act of decency, any form of intelligent reasoning or resposibility.  Ignorance ruled their lives.  I found the film didn't so much glamourise hooliganism but glamourised the ignorance that fuelled hooliganism.  It reminded me of the Orwellian scenario of 1984 where Winston Smith says "if there is to be any hope it must lie with the Proles" yet when he visits Prole areas he realises that these people are too busy being at war with themselves than to offer any form of united resistance to the totalitarian state, which incidentally feeds them the corrupting material to keep them divided.  Is football worth fighting over?  No.  The ball doesn't care who wins.  Do these people really have such low esteem in themselves that they have to rely on their team (comprised of multi racial, multi ethnic & multi international players) kicking a ball around against another team (comprised of similar diversity), winning fairly or unfairly in order to justify they the supporters existence & therefore superiority over the other team & other supporters.  This is nonsensical.  The after match violence proves nothing.  It does nothing to further the human race forward.  There were a lot more issues which could have been dealt with intelligently in this film, but it was a cop out.  The characters were totally amoral.  They did not have any idea how to function let alone behave in a civilised society.  All they knew was aggression, violence, & deceit.  They were no longer human, they just walked around in human shells.  That is not what life is about.  That is not living.  It is the basest form of existence.  I cannot understand what is so attractive about wanting to be like this.        


Yes i agree with you too, they use football as an excuse for violence, true football fans want nothing to do with this thuggery, they just want to watch the game and enjoy the sport. I agree with you also on the fact that 'theyre teams' are hardly their teams at all the vast majority of these teams are full of people who are not from their own country let alone local area. football is a business not a sport anymore.

One point i forgot to mention is that you do get a good laugh off these idiots when you are in bars, you ask them to tell a story of their days in their 'football gangs', make sure it is a story you have heard before once they are finished compare that story to the one they told before, i guarantee the people they fought will be larger in size and numbers than the people in the previous same story they told, everything they say has to be taken with a bag of salt, in the end you laugh and they laugh too, little do they know you are laughing at them rather than with them.


if you like MMA that's fine, but don't come on these boards pushing and preaching your propaganda about mma fighters being the best people on the planet, if you don't like hooligans then you sure do have a funny way of showing it cause you spend way too much time buying there movies and discussing them on boards....which in turn generates more money for them and creates buzz around their projects


True il take that point on board, no more Danny dyer films for me



Hooliganism is a good laugh -- it's all about the buzz, self-confidence, camaraderie with your pals and pulling women at the weekend. In my younger days (I'm still relatively young) I ran about with lads who were quite rowdy; it's merely about enjoying yourself while you're young enough to get away with it.


hooligans are glorified because they are loyal to football with their bodies and souls. they are fearless and ready to die for the team. it may be a little over the top but i can totally understand and relate to them.
some men love their cars, some love their spouses and some love their football and they stay loyal to it.
i see it as a very masculine way of living and for some reason i wish i'd meet a real hooligan some day lol.


The person who said it's about having fun and being young has got it spot on.

Football hooligans need to lap it up while they're still young, they need alot to talk about when they're bitter lonely old men who only have 'the glory days' to talk about down their local pub, pissed and numbed from their mundane lives, they eventually have to swallow their pride and become dependant on other people, they die having made no difference to the lives of the people around them. They have a deep envy for those who worked hard, got a proper education and made something of themselves, leaving behind a beautiful wife and kids.

I actually feel pretty sorry for these guys, they clearly don't know what they're getting themselves into. They claim it makes them masculine men, but they're clinging onto some stupid idea of what they think is masculinity. I don't have hatred towards these people, but pity that they were raised in such a way and this way of life is all they know.

Wisdom, Independence, respect for yourself and others and family values make a man a true man but that's only one opinion; mine, who is to say that defines every male of the species? though that's far from what these hooligans will obtain during their lifetime. Hopefully some of them do change their ways, but it seems very unlikely.


"A man who doesnt spend time with is family can never be a real man"

"Nobody is free, even the birds are chained to the sky" - Bob Dylan


"They are absolute tits who love to act hard in huge groups and claim they love the buzz of fighting, yet never fight one on one and piss their pants when they actually do. "

Maybe be true for some hooligans but definately not in my city. Come and visit a Rapid Wien match. Best hooligans in the world. 2 matches ago some people from a farmer club dissed us and were hiding behind a fence. One guy managed to get behind the fence and fked all 3 of them up. Just an example. Hard in the group and hard alone boy.




Funny i thought this movie didn't glorify them at all. They always seem like drug doing morons to me. however the story of watching them all crash and burn is good enough for me to find entertaining

Evil must be punished. Even in the face of armageddon I will not compromise in this.


because we are cool

Found out the reason that they hate me Godlike Presence...must be atheist
