The Ending - Spoilers

I really liked the ending where Gracie was trapped underwater but then Sam came back to save her. It came as a suprise to me actually; when she just turned up and then that music started playing. But yes, I liked it. And then they all walked out in one big group. That was cool. So yeah, I thought it was great!



Hey. I thought it was cool, very funny when she tipped Collins in the water. And when most characters start snorting towards the end! And I also liked Stan's 'I have a problem' speech. Great bit.

The Bride: You and I have unfinished business.
Bill: Baby, you ain't kidding.


Thank you for replying. I am glad you liked it too. Yeah it was great!


yea i thought it was really funny when she pushed collins in the water and said "and that's how we do things in new york".


same, i thought when they sang at the drag club till the end credits was great, thats when the movies really picked up. I love when they have to sing and dance, it was really funny


You didn't find it a little far-fetched that a few wet feathers trapped under that boat kept Gracie from setting herself free or that she couldn't just tear herself free from those feathers?


I liked it when she pushed that guy into the water.
