Why was Shannon there?

At the brawl, I mean. What made her drive there, and even have the baby with her? Wouldn't it make more sense for her to be at the hospital with Steve?

It seemed very contrieved, but am I overlooking something?



Another thing I never got was how on earth did Sharon know where the fight was taking place? Sharon was a stupid selfish person she left her husband when he needed her most A) He was in hospital trying to survive after being stabbed B) His bother just died, She risked the life of her baby by taking him to the brawl, she kinda overacted when Matt said he was moving in with Pete...

I always wondered if Steve went after Sharon, probably a missed opportunity for the sequel which they kinda ruined.


At that point his brother was not dead and yes the third film should have had him revenge his brother called Green Street 3: Return Of The Major
